Analysis Of Song— Empty Eyes By Navi Nav

 We all have fallen into a one-sided love for once in our lifetime. We look towards the person we have fallen in love with from the other side of the room. We often fall in love because of their looks, their aura, or their unique behavior. We can be attracted to them for many more reasons such as them being smart and intelligent, them being rich or them being too polite. 

We try to get their attention by doing unusual things. We tell our friends about this person. We see ourselves together with them. They become so important to us that we forget about others and think of them as our world.

This sort of one-sided love, or unrequited love, is easy to deal with because we don’t know the person, what they like, do we have the same interests, do they have interests in things we do. It must seem illogical that we are in love with someone with all our feelings and emotions we have no idea about.

But yet it is often true, people do fall in unrequited love with a person and the truth can’t be denied. There isn’t much to do with this type of love, it can be healed in many ways, one of them is listening to relatable music-

The song “Empty Eyes'' perfectly explains the emotions and feelings of an unrequited lover. The lyrics of the song are the soul of the song and the sad ethnic instruments used in it bring forth more of a sad and emotional type of lover who is alone with his thoughts and emotions.

The lyrics focus on the fact that unrequited love is going through a lot in his life, especially through the pain that comes from the one-sided love he has for a person. The main effects of unrequited love are- depression, personality disorder, loneliness, hatred for others, unwillingness to move on, and suicidal thoughts.

Now, any normal human doesn’t want to go through it, not even one of it. This is the reason why a normal lover would never try to fall into a deep unrequited love connection with a person when he knows the end from the beginning. This leaves most lovers with an option that can help them live their lives normally, the option is ignoring every person, you think you like. 

When he keeps ignoring every person around him and mostly those with whom he fears he might fall in love, his eyes turn blank or empty (meaning there is no pursuit of love in the eyes). 

The turning of eyes empty is related to the lack of true love in life in which case there is an overflow of sadness through veins. The overflow of sadness leaves a person in a mournful state such that no thoughts are running through the brain, making the eyes empty.

The song also explains that when the eyes have turned empty, a heartbroken lover searches for hope in his life. The lover has suffered through a lot and wants a second chance to gain back his joyful days and so he searches for some hope in his life as the lines explain- 

“Empty eyes, Trying to find the Light”

To live normally as a joyful person who loves everyone around him, the person tries to bring his inner feeling of love outside. This feeling of love was buried inside of him because of all that he had suffered as the lines explain- 

“Finding love I had buried inside, 

The hurt was deep as she left my side”

Regardless of the song's popularity towards people of all types, the song specifically focuses on the feelings and emotions of an unrequited lover. Every line brings about a new subject or emotion of an unrequited love that he faces in the period of his unrequited love.

A lot of people around the globe are suffering through unrequited love today, even though their unrequited love disease might take time to heal, they can be comforted and elevated because of this song as it provides the true empirical feeling of the unrequited lover.

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